Widescreen Gaming Forum

Eyefinity not working
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Author:  Slinky [ 30 Aug 2010, 20:53 ]
Post subject:  Eyefinity not working

So, I just got another monitor today and eyefinity isnt cooperating. I made my group just fine, but when I open a game, the image is duplicated on both screens. How do I get it to span all the way across?

Author:  Slinky [ 30 Aug 2010, 20:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

Edit: It seems to be game specific. Mafia 2 would duplicate but unreal tourny 3 worked just fine.

Edit again: I change the resolution in the save file and it works now.

Author:  Nedder [ 31 Aug 2010, 21:39 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

For Mafia 2 it will show the higher resolutions. Just choose that and apply and it will go to eyefinity mode.

Author:  Bradbury [ 31 Aug 2010, 22:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

Slinky, when you changed the resolution and got Eyefinity working in Mafia 2, did you automatically get a centred HUD? In other words, is your minimap in your center screen?

Author:  Slinky [ 01 Sep 2010, 02:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

Slinky, when you changed the resolution and got Eyefinity working in Mafia 2, did you automatically get a centred HUD? In other words, is your minimap in your center screen?

Yeah mine is in the center

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 03 Sep 2010, 10:25 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

Slinky, when you changed the resolution and got Eyefinity working in Mafia 2, did you automatically get a centred HUD? In other words, is your minimap in your center screen?

I've completed the game now on a 3x1 Eyefinity setup and the HUD was always on the center screen for me. Never was an issue.

Small screenshot album here...


Author:  Bradbury [ 03 Sep 2010, 10:57 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

Strange that my HUD looks like it does. I can only assume that the BizLink Dual-link DP-DVI adapter is to blame. I've got a VGA adapter now, but I had to RMA one of my screens so I have to wait until I get another one to see if I get a centered HUD with the new adapter.

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 03 Sep 2010, 21:05 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

Strange that my HUD looks like it does. I can only assume that the BizLink Dual-link DP-DVI adapter is to blame. I've got a VGA adapter now, but I had to RMA one of my screens so I have to wait until I get another one to see if I get a centered HUD with the new adapter.

What particular game resolution did you choose? I chose the 3x1920x1080. That sets the game to show properly on the three screens. I didn't try any other resolution but have to wonder if, for example, you choose something like 5760x1080 [if that is even an option] if that doesn't force the HUD to the far right?

Author:  Bradbury [ 04 Sep 2010, 08:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

5760x1080 is what I used. I didn't notice 3x1920x1080, but I will check it out when I get my monitor back. I suppose I won't be getting any bezel compensation with this resolution...

Author:  Dyre Straits [ 04 Sep 2010, 08:16 ]
Post subject:  Re: Eyefinity not working

5760x1080 is what I used. I didn't notice 3x1920x1080, but I will check it out when I get my monitor back. I suppose I won't be getting any bezel compensation with this resolution...

Yes, you are right. Using the 3x[whatever] option eliminates the Bezel Compensation in the game. It doesn't void Bezel Compensation otherwise, though. But, I really didn't notice any problem with it during the entire game. At least it wasn't distracting due to me keeping my focus on the center screen.

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