Widescreen Gaming Forum

5970 EF, a few games probs
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Author:  elior77 [ 02 Jun 2010, 06:46 ]
Post subject:  5970 EF, a few games probs

Hey !

I just got a 5970 instead my 5870.

I have my 5870 running EF landscape and portrait beautifully @ 5040x1050 and 3150x1680.

I run, gta4,jc2,dirt2 and grid.

Now with the 5970... gta4 run choopy, jc2 will not start if i dont disable catalyst AI (and then only one gpu is running), dirt2 and grid runs ok but x8msaa will not run it puts out only a frame or two per sec...


Author:  CheeWeez777 [ 02 Jun 2010, 15:56 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5970 EF, a few games probs

I have the same card, some of the same games...

I am not 100%, but I THINK on the 5970, because of the 2GB framebuffer, you are running out at 8XAA. I had the same issue... I keep it at 4, and everything is smooth as butter.

I can't remember how I fixed JC- I'll go back and look into that one for ya'. I don't own GTA4 on PC.

Author:  elior77 [ 02 Jun 2010, 16:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: 5970 EF, a few games probs


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