Widescreen Gaming Forum

Age of Conan and Eyefinity
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Author:  boredtotears001 [ 03 Apr 2010, 06:30 ]
Post subject:  Age of Conan and Eyefinity

Hi, so i recently resubbed to AoC and am loving the changes. Runs beautifully now.

The only thing that has me bothered is, when running eyefinity text, healthbars, and directional shielding above/around characters is all extremely small and unreadable. Was wondering if anyone had a fix?

Author:  skipclarke [ 03 Apr 2010, 14:02 ]
Post subject:  Re: Age of Conan and Eyefinity

Not that I know of. Do the in-game options offer anything for UI-scaling. I know this is in Guild Wars, WoW and LOTRO.

Author:  boredtotears001 [ 03 Apr 2010, 19:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Age of Conan and Eyefinity

Not that I know of. Do the in-game options offer anything for UI-scaling. I know this is in Guild Wars, WoW and LOTRO.

ugh no it does not... alright i guess im going to have to wait till the devs fix this. I will most likely be waiting at least 4 more years.

Author:  morolen [ 15 Apr 2010, 18:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Age of Conan and Eyefinity

i cant believe that bug is still there, its what drove me off AoC last year when i first got my TH2G, the fact that it is still there and the fix itself would take no less then 5 minutes for a dev to fix, is astounding. There is a configuration file you can monkey with to fix the text, however, the settings in that file be reset everytime they patch, i did it for a few patches but eventually gave up on it. So your humorous guess of a fix in 4 years might not be that far from the truth.

Author:  boredtotears001 [ 20 Apr 2010, 19:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Age of Conan and Eyefinity

i cant believe that bug is still there, its what drove me off AoC last year when i first got my TH2G, the fact that it is still there and the fix itself would take no less then 5 minutes for a dev to fix, is astounding. There is a configuration file you can monkey with to fix the text, however, the settings in that file be reset everytime they patch, i did it for a few patches but eventually gave up on it. So your humorous guess of a fix in 4 years might not be that far from the truth.

Do you remember at all what it was exactly that you edited? I would really like to know. Thanks :)

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