Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 13 Mar 2010, 18:51 

Joined: 02 Dec 2009, 22:58
Posts: 7
First I'd like to thank this community for providing an abundance of knowledge, without it I wouldn't have jumped from my TH2GO DE to Eyefinity (especially that beta 10.3 preview video. <3)

Now in a few places on the internet, I keep seeing people asking how to maximize windows normally, as if running extended desktop. I keep seeing Ultramon & Hydravision come up, but why? The software for the TH2GO does the trick folks. If you don't mind the 2-4 extra processes, Matrox's PowerDesk software which was used for the Triplehead2go works on Eyefinity with no adjustments. It realizes its a 3x1 and my windows maximize as if I'm running extended desktop. (TH2GO had me spoiled on this).

The version I'm using is vxp2k_gxm_2_04_00_011_whql.exe on Win 7 x64, because it doesn't care if Matrox Hardware isn't connected to setup the desktop grid if you have to manually set one up, where the latest November one does. Install and reboot, don't bother with the wizard.

Again thank you community. Oh and props to the use of the Assassin's Creed emblem, it looks awesome.

(Below is an image of both in use, and some maximized windows)


PostPosted: 21 Mar 2010, 08:23 

Joined: 19 Apr 2008, 22:46
Posts: 144
Why not just make an extended desktop profile in Catalyst Control Center and switch to it when you aren't gaming? Then you don't have to deal with the weird "window stretched to fill a screen but not actually maximized" behavior you get out of powerdesk.

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