Sitting that close to 720p with little AA would make my brain hurt.
How so it is actually 5760 X 1080 not so bad huh. Have you even played Forza 3 or any console title. It is not as bad as most PC fanboys think. Games are getting a lot better for consoles than they used to be.
This is my setup of Forza 3. And yes it can be cheaper then most High End ATI cards. But this is the only game as of now that works that I know of. I wish more devs would make this happen. It just shows what AAA devs can do compared to well you know.....
I really love Forza 3 and it is an amazing racing game for console. I wish there were pc sims that looked as good as Forza 3 but there isn't.. Yea yea Rfactor iRacing, GTR they all have amazing physics and sound but so does Forza 3.
If you have not played it watch the video review on sim racing tonight. They even make a point to tell pc gamers that consoles have come a long way and are not really on the bottom anymore like people think haha.