Widescreen Gaming Forum

The Asus HD7970-DC2-3GD5 and MSI R7970 Lightning; the solution for tearing in the 79XX family
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Author:  Haldi [ 19 May 2012, 05:26 ]
Post subject:  Wijkert wrote:BirdOtt

[quote]Are you running the same g-card driver that Moose recommended? Or something else?

I am running 8.97-120418a (aka 12.5 unofficial beta). It seems that I had more trouble with the different 12.4 versions. That might be why they have a bad rep (also because of artifacts in several game though).

8.970 works fine. And i heard of a lot ppl with problems from 12.4!

The Special HD7000 Drivers are either 8.925.2 or 8.925.5 which released in january and where the first real working drivee for hd7970!

(fu smartphone! Cant scroll!)
The special HA7000

Author:  g0del [ 19 May 2012, 17:39 ]
Post subject:  suiken_2mieu wrote:g0bel: You

g0bel: You may also want to pull the edid data from all three monitors and check that they all are running at the same refresh rate. Sometimes you get the edid saying to run at 59.99Hz and 60Hz etc. Making an edid mask might fix your issue.
Well, that looks like it might be the problem. Moninfo says that the side monitors are running at 60HZ while the center is running at 59.80 HZ. But I have no idea how to make an edid mask to fix that. I've looked at the edids for both monitors in Phoenix edid designer, and I can't see what I would need to change to get the 2410 to run at 60HZ. I've loaded the 2410's edid into Phoenix, and it's already set to 60HZ for refresh in there.

Author:  BirdOtt [ 20 May 2012, 15:02 ]
Post subject:  8.97 it is

I shall give 8.97 a try. Thanks Wijkert and Haldi.

Author:  Wijkert [ 20 May 2012, 16:18 ]
Post subject:  BirdOtt wrote:I shall give

I shall give 8.97 a try. Thanks Wijkert and Haldi.

I have made a new thread about Powerplay and the 7xxx series. Maybe you can check if it helps you as well?

Author:  Count Shagula [ 28 May 2012, 16:04 ]
Post subject:  Just adding my 2c. My second

Just adding my 2c. My second rig at home here is all new... (Tested a few CPUs and stuck with the one that overclocked the most and sold the others off) Running 3570k @5ghz (Temps under 90c in Prime95, hardly hit 60 when gaming), 32gig GSkill 1600mhz, ASRock Fatality Z77 Professional, Corsair AX1200, Asus Xonar Essence STX and an Asus 7970 DCU2(Non TOP) and another Asus 7970 Reference. 5760x1200 via 3 x Dell u2412m's straight from DP on the vid card to DP on the monitor. 12.4s with CAP2s, i've also tried the Beta 12.5s.

I've been trying to give the rig the benefit of the doubt as all new rigs have problems. But tonight its finally pissed me off to no end (I just want to relax and play a game...). My CPU OC is 100% stable... I can run the pc fine with an Nvidia GTX 580 i have lying around. Running with the dual 7970s is a nightmare tbh... Whether i actually have a hardware issue or its just software i dont really know. My temps never ever go over 80c but im subjected to constant crashes and bluescreens. Getting my first irritation out of the way is to say that its impossible to overclock the DCU2 card as i can find no way of giving it more voltage... http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?15155-7970-DCU-Useless-for-overclockers http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=363117

Both threads created by myself and have had no usefull answers other than get rid of it... I've tried flashing to the bios of the TOP card with no luck, in fact ive tried flashing any and every bios to it with no luck. Asus GPU Tweak lets me set standard voltage and nothing more, even after unlocking Afterburner i cant even touch the slider on the DCU2. So unless anyone can say otherwise its pretty much impossible to get a decent overclock out of it as you cant give it more than stock voltage (Wondering if i have one of the original ones with the problems... My backplate has no VRM cut-out).

After that the endless crashes ensue. Playing Anno 2070 results in a crash, if i try to relaunch the game i see the second GPU is still at 99% usage and i get a atikmpag.sys BSOD. Crashing at desktop all the time with display driver has stopped responding. On a hunch i got rid of the Virtu MVP drivers and all of my desktop/idling crashes have been resolved.

If its not crashing its running like crap. Playing Battlefield in 5760x1200 and im getting 60ish FPS but it feels like im struggling to get ~20... Microstuttering? ... Sigh... Im not buying a third card (Apparently solves micro stuttering), i'd rather take both back and go back to Nvidia at this point.

Running in Crossfire with Eyefinity and Vsync on results in this nasty tearing on the bottom of the right side monitor and half of the middle monitor. I've changed Crossfire bridges and drivers with no luck. Its so annoying i cant actually play a game with it going on, even if it were running smoothly. Just like this, only in games though http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saG2mr6qM_8

Pretty much my old GTX 580 SLI rig was putting out half the framerates this is (If that) but it felt several times smoother than this. I've threatened to take both cards back but have been holding off to see if i could fix things but im at wits end now, i just want to play some games and i dont care what brand hardware im using...

I dont actually expect anyone to give any advice or fixes. Just posting my experiences so that anyone who buys something similar knows what they might expect. Not a happy camper atm!

Author:  Haldi [ 28 May 2012, 20:59 ]
Post subject:  Count Shagula wrote: Getting

Getting my first irritation out of the way is to say that its impossible to overclock the DCU2 card as i can find no way of giving it more voltage... http://rog.asus.com/forum/showthread.php?15155-7970-DCU-Useless-for-overclockers http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=363117

Heard of that! seems like there are more of this Un-overvolteable Asus 7970 Direct CU out there.

And i don't know whats going on with the AMD Drivers... but when i use Crossfire on my two HD7970 and play for more than 1-2hours depending on the game i get a Computer freeze! Skyrim or Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning i .e Works perfectly fine in Single GPU. but using Crossfire crashes them after a while! On contrary Firefall or Need for Speed The Run works fine over more hours!

Author:  Wijkert [ 28 May 2012, 22:13 ]
Post subject:  You probably already have,

You probably already have, but did you turn off ULPS? Otherwise overclocking cards in crossfire will result in a bsod if you do even a +1mhz and apply.

Running both crossfire and eyefinity is a nightmare microstuttering wise. SLI is your best bet if you want to run 2 cards. Less microstuttering, but still some. Running 7970's in crossfire even on a single screen apears to cause problems for most users. While troubleshooting I would run the cpu at stock, just to rule that out. I am sure you won't notice the difference since almost all games are gpu bound especially in triple wide res.

Author:  Haldi [ 29 May 2012, 20:10 ]
Post subject:  Wijkert wrote: SLI is your

SLI is your best bet if you want to run 2 cards. Less microstuttering, but still some.

Nope! GTX690 is the only way to go against Micro Stuttering!


i wonder what Two 690 would do...

Author:  LordJuanlo [ 31 May 2012, 08:47 ]
Post subject:  Count Shagula wrote:Playing

Playing Battlefield in 5760x1200 and im getting 60ish FPS but it feels like im struggling to get ~20... Microstuttering? ... Sigh...

I had that same problem, the solution is to limit framerate in this game. I edited the user.cfg file at the game folder and added the following line:

gametime.maxvariablefps 58

In game I disabled vsync and presto... smooth framerate and no more stuttering or tearing. Those 58 fps feel like real 58 fps.

Author:  X3R Kefran [ 31 May 2012, 22:49 ]
Post subject:  I had a 2 * reference 7970

I had a 2 * reference 7970 since the release of the cards. I sold one of the two cards having to much problems with eyefinity (and even more with eyefinity + crossfire).

I decided to give a last try with AMD before moving to Nvidia and I ordered a MSI Lightning 7970 to see if using 3 displayport connections changes anything.
I received the MSI 7970 yesterday evening and started to test it with Catalyst 12.6 beta + 12.6 Cap 1, crossfire and one-card only

After several tests, I must say that it looks very promising :-)
I have had a 5970, 6970 crossfire and 7970 crossfire so I am used to pros and cons of eyefinity. At that stage, MSI Lightning 7970 + 12.6 beta is the best eyefinity experience I have had; even in crossfire.

I did some additional tests and results are very good in mono GPU with the MSI ans 12.6 beta.
I had a lot of tearing with the "normal" 7970 in Assassin's creed revelations and batman Arkham asylum. WIth the new set-up, I just needed to turn V-sync on Boum ! No tearing and games are perfectly smooth.

Unfortunately, the situations is not so good in crossfire: Tearing is back.

So crossfire + eyefinity is improved but still not what we expect.

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