Widescreen Gaming Forum

First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?
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Author:  Delphium [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Get out of my brain Paradigm Shifter, I was just about to post a comment on that very thing haha. :D

I get the impression that the split is for dvi/dvi/hdmi as you say, something of which Zotec pulled off with a GTX460 card.
However as we read from 01Boxer's post, it could allow for a larger central monitor with 2 smaller side screens... potentially ideal for PLP setups :D

Ibrin :nudgenudge we await your reviews ;P

Author:  Tamlin [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Ohhhhh got a link to the source of that please?
Very interesting, although I think gaming on different monitors would look a bit odd, it does expand the overall flexability of the card a great deal :D

Wondered the same, so I googled after it using some of the text :)


Author:  Delphium [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Ah ha - good call ;)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Excellent. ;) Great minds think alike? 8)

Can hope for full EyeFinity based coverage from Ibrin - he's got a hell of a lot more work to do than most of the other reviewers, as they just test at the same bog-standard resolutions. Where games really grind now are Surround resolutions - testing at 1680x1050 and 1920x1200 are useful for comparing back to older cards, but the hostility many review sites show to Surround (much like they did with widescreen years back) is just... petty and stupid.

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:26 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Some of this is limited by Windows however, the DRM inflicted by that OS selling users out to the content MAFIAA limits what you can do, but on Linux, it should just work, ATI drivers willing. In any case, any limits are not in the hardware any more.

This bit doesn't sound good.

It won't be the first time that PVP/PAP/HDCP cause problems for stuff on computers that should "just work dammit".


If these cards do what they seem to be saying, it looks like we might have bezel management on non-identical monitors...

Which means if AMD is a better buy than nVidia in the future, I can switch without issue.


Author:  Delphium [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

I saw that comment, but the DRM has not changed compared to as before, the DRM still requires a secure conneciton between the disc to the monitor.
Although there are a number of workarounds for even that.
I have not really found the DRM to be that intrusive from my experience, the biggest bug was needing to have a secure link from disc to display of cause, however this is not just a windows DRM, this applies to linux, and any standalone player. :shrug:

I would be interested to see a comparison of no AA, tradional AA and this new morph(MOO) AA, could do with some more examples specially with a full scene, as MOO appears from what I have seen more like a massive blur, however at least it should perform a lot quicker with this enabled compared to traditional AA.
It is interesting to see that it seems to work on desktop applications too, not so sure i want a blury edge windows, specially for the likes of any text.
I would hope that the drivers are smart enough to have this disabled during desktop operations.

Author:  Tamlin [ 22 Oct 2010, 15:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Ibrin should also test the new beta driver which gives Morphological AA. Its Directcompute based AA, so it might be a good workaround for AA in high Eyefinity resolutions. :D


This new release have been great! All this new tech to read up on (I'm buying a Cayman next month I think to test it). :D

As a big bonus and consumer win, there is a price war/price reduction, which means I might pick up a GTX 460 as well when the low prices hit Norway. Should be nice to have both for testing and troubleshooting. :)

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Oct 2010, 16:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

As a big bonus and consumer win, there is a price war/price reduction, which means I might pick up a GTX 460 as well when the low prices hit Norway. Should be nice to have both for testing and troubleshooting. :)

I'll think more seriously about going AMD for GPUs when 2GB cards come out. 1GB is a huge bottleneck in Surround. HUGE.

If you want to try GTX460 Surround, providing I can have the cards back, I might be able to lend you a couple of 1GB GTX460s? Depends when you want to do it, as I've got plans for 'em and an SLI-capable AMD hexacore. :rockout Either the Crosshair IV Extreme (if I feel like blowing £250+ on a mobo) or one of the 980a Asus boards for £90... reason for this? I want to test Surround out further on an AMD system (stock and overclocked)...

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 22 Oct 2010, 16:08 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Dammit, new post...

That morphological AA looks like it could be good. The only pics I've seen so far as so zoomed in that everything is either a blurry mess or a pixelated nightmare, so I'd need to see it for myself to decide solidly. :)

Author:  Delphium [ 22 Oct 2010, 16:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: First news of ATI 6000 - Easier Eyefinity?

Dammit, new post...

That morphological AA looks like it could be good. The only pics I've seen so far as so zoomed in that everything is either a blurry mess or a pixelated nightmare, so I'd need to see it for myself to decide solidly. :)

+1 some full scenes would be handy.
Loving the lack of perfomance hit however :D

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