Eyefinity thing will bring multi monitor gaming to the masses. or at least make it more affordable.
and best of all it will expose triple/multi head gaming more to the mainstream and giving notice to game Devs that way they will start to bring native support it.
instead of a niche group of geeks with $$ that buys $300 matrox th2g box in addition to a fast gpu. with Eyefinity, the customer base of multimonitor gaming is larger and more of an incentive for game devs to support it.
Large size LCD displays are getting cheaper and cheaper now.
As much as we are crazy about triplehead gaming. Other forums and people I talk to are not too keen on spending $300 on a Th2g box. and in addition to a $300 GPU that's not cheap.
Many people think the $300 for a matrox TH2g is alot of money condering that the $ can be used for other system parts like faster cpu,gpu,ram etc.. so they don't join the th bandwagon.
but if we can get a fast GPU for $350 and it comes with triplehead support it will make it a more compelling reason to buy.
I can see triplehead gaming will get very popular in the next year or two
Agreed, the cost to run these systems simply haven't been reasonable until now.
One year ago it would have been 3x $350 LCDs and $350 TH2G D then most likely a $400 video card.
Right now it's 3x $150-200 LCDs and a $200-400 video card. I'm making assumptions any 5000-series card will be able to at least do triple-head. The price of entry into this club isn't so exclusive anymore (which is a good thing).
I ran a poll over at EVGA forums the other day to gauge display use. It was coming in about about 40% dual-head in the poll. There are a lot of people that dual-head that could just as soon triple-head with how cost effective it is now.