Interesting review of the xfire setups. [H] just released a review of nvsurround performance but there's 1gb 5870 vs. 2gb 5870 xfire in there as well. In their tests the 1gb and 2gb cards had pretty much no difference, why is that? Also, if you tried with no AA in any of the tests, do the 1gb cards and 2gb cards perform the same? Or in other words, is AA the cause of the difference?
Also it's good to see confirmation that xfire does indeed scale worse in triple screen resolutions since that's what I was getting on my end and was somewhat dissapointing. That's something that bothered me and very likely contributes to fermi's performance dominance when you put two cards together in surround.
Lastly, I haven't seen any xfire numbers on any site for just cause 2 in triple wide resolutions. I'm personally seeing really really low scaling (20-25%) in just that game, but someone else reports 'near perfect' (his words) scaling, so I'm really confused if it's an issue on my end.