[quote]So are you saying the hotkey/shortcuts is a windows problem and it will not be fixed by ATI?
No. Read it again. I am saying that
when the Hotkey fix is in place the settings for the Hotkeys may not be kept from on driver install to another because when you do a driver install it installs a completely new registry branch for the new driver revision, orphaning the old branch.
Again, the comments concerning the registry do not pertain to any issues.
And again that registry key IS clearly for video drivers so why are you saying it has nothing to do with display haha. Every where that I have searched on that registry key always comes up with video driver. So it is odd to me that you are denying that it has anything to do with a video driver or display. If you don't think that registry has ANYTHING to do with video driver settings, then what is that registry for?
The particular branch is related to the video drivers, but the actual registry key being talked about is not related to Eyefinity, or its operation in any way.
I did read it and you said "the registry is not something that is incorrect or will be changed, it is just how Windows works"
Well either way the hotkey shortcut issue has been there since I first installed the card. It has always been a problem before I installed any new drivers. I guess I just don't understand what you are saying but it seems like you are saying from one driver install to another orphaning the old branch. And that does not make sense at all.
And this fix was not JUST for Eyefinity mode and the problem is not just with Eyefinity mode but it is a problem with Eyefinity, Extended, anything and everything driver/display related. It was said from the person that posted this fix else where that it was related to "ULPS (Ultra Low Power State) is flawed and causes issues" so....Or are you admitting the problem to be with Eyefinity alone and this is not the fix for it. Are you aware of the problem I am referencing?
I am glad that you actually admit the registry to be video driver related I thought you were completely denying it.