[quote][quote]It's not a Eyefinity-related Problem. It's the same at SoftTH.
Remember Battlefield 2: it has similar issues... :-/
Correct its a game engine problem so they need to fix it not ATI.
Yeah, it is an engine issue .Totally up to Bioware to fix.
Sad thing is that is probably REALLY easy to fix, just some tweaks to dynamic lighting or shadows or something where the extra FOV causes the engine to mess up and remove stuff, but I have yet to see anybody officially acknowledge the problem. They jumped on the pedestal to announce to the world proper eyefinity support and then when we said "hey there is a bug actually...." they just ignore it.
Its not just trees and stuff vanishing its all the vegetation and stuff as well, when I was in the forest over 90% of the flowers/plants and other stuff was just plain missing. I did not even know I was in a forest I thought it was a plane until I booted up the game in single screen mode to do my comparison videos for the bug because I saw a treeline popping in/out in the background. When I booted and saw all the lush vegetation I was like OMG how much of the game have I been missing?
Turned off the game and have not played it since until I see a fix.
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