[quote]thanks for chiming in regarding my problem. Yes, the 1920x2400 stripes @ 48Hz have to be dual-link connections, so I'll need active adapters if the SIX is involved.
just to clarify dual link or not has no bearing whatsoever with the need for active adaptors !
on a single 5870 or 5870Six => up to 2 legacy monitors (VGA DVI HDMI) (with no adaptor or passive adaptors depending on the situation)
from third monitor and beyond active DP adaptors or DP screens.
Just to further clarify on SixEdition.... The version demoed/previewed/reviewed so far has all come with 6 mini-DP ports, while 2 of these ports are DP+ for support of legacy monitors, they are limited to SL-DVI's number of pins (cable/pin pass through), thus SL-DVI's bandwidth.
They could push through HDMI 1.3 (which is about DP bandwidth) using the same SL-DVI pins, but I believe no monitor/TV fully impliments it for beyond legacy SL-DVI's bandwidth (at more than 1200p@60Hz).
Back to topic... If it works on 5870s.... It should work on 57xx(s)....
b.t.w. am a member of the T221 yahoo usergroup, was a user but not an owner of T221.