Widescreen Gaming Forum

Diablo III (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
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Author:  Skid [ 08 Jun 2012, 13:42 ]
Post subject:  Diablo III (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]

Diablo III is a dungeon crawler game that has been in development for over a decade, so its a shame it doesn't have proper multi-monitor support. That said the support that is in there is good enough, you have to use fullscreen windows mode but after that everything is correctly scaled, HUD is appropriately positioned and the game is horizontal plus. But being forced to use windows mode does mean that both Crossfire and SLI don't work, there is a hack available to force the game into fullscreen mode, they can be found here along with details of work arounds: http://www.wsgf.org/dr/diablo-iii/en
I'm sticking with the commentary for this game, still work in progress, but feel free to like or dislike my video and comment.

Direct Video Link: Diablo III (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) Part 1 [~4K]

Direct Video Link: Diablo III (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) Part 2 [~4K]
Channel Link: http://www.youtube.com/user/n11skid

While this video can be watched on any screen it has been encoded to look best on a multi-monitor system, so if your running such a system, then select original quality from the drop down box and watch in fullscreen.

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