Widescreen Gaming Forum

Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe
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Author:  CoqDuRoi [ 09 Dec 2016, 17:42 ]
Post subject:  Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe

I've gotten it to work in WS with this Tutorial (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LESqnwTo-9Q) and now i'd like to edit the .exe itself so i don't have to fiddle around with cheat engine each time i load up the game. However none of the values that are displayed in cheat engine can be found when using the hex editor, which makes me think that "array of bytes" (in the video) is not the standard filter in the hex editor.
So can anyone help me to get the hex editor to display the values the same way they are displayed in cheat engine ?

Author:  chrisn [ 14 Dec 2016, 10:06 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe

Using dgvoodoo2, I've been able to force the resolution. To get the fov to work, open Bountyhunter.ini. Look for FOV_X and FOV_Y. I've settled on 360 for FOX_X, and 470 for FOV_Y.
Fov impacts view model fov, so take that into account. Lower the numbers wider the fov. Shadows are broken, so turn those off. Selecting Geforce 4 in dgvoodoo2 also helps with most z-fighting issues. Hope this helps.

Author:  CoqDuRoi [ 16 Dec 2016, 15:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe

Did you do it in combination with the youtube video above ?

Author:  chrisn [ 17 Dec 2016, 11:50 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe

No. Cheat engine is no longer needed. Just put dgvoodoo and whats inside the MS folder into your Mace Griffin folder. Open dgvoodoo, click on DirectX tab then select the resolution you want. The above FOV settings are for 16:9.

Author:  CoqDuRoi [ 22 Dec 2016, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe

Apologies for not answering sooner but i had a nasty cold and a lot of stuff to do as soon as i got better.
I tried the fix and it does have an effect but unfortunately not the one i'd like: I only get a small image in the center and 24hz Output. Did i miss something in the configuration ?

Author:  vekio [ 18 Dec 2017, 21:12 ]
Post subject:  Re: Mace Griffin:Bounty Hunter, Hex Editing the .exe

Hey guys. Is there any other solution to get widescreen than dgvoodoo? I did the same as in the video below but the game always crashes to the desktop after turning it on. I have Windows 7 64 Bit.


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