Widescreen Gaming Forum

Trying to get Enslaved to run on 3 mismatched PLP monitors
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Author:  MonkeyMokey [ 11 May 2015, 04:08 ]
Post subject:  Trying to get Enslaved to run on 3 mismatched PLP monitors

I have three monitors, from left to right 1200x1600 + 2560x1440 + 1200x1600
I am trying to get Enslaved to run in PLP mode using SoftTH, but having no luck.

I attempted to follow these instructions http://www.wsgf.org/blog/imusrt/2015/04 ... structions, but I think I am missing something.

So, here's what I did:
Extracted the d3d9.dll into D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Enslaved\Binaries\Win32
Ran Enslaved.exe and allowed the config file to be created.
Modified the ResX and ResY values in %USERPROFILE% folder as well as the main folder in steamapps.

The game is still only running at 2560x1440. I messed with the GUI tool to get the total resolution to be 4960x1440, but that didn't help.

I'd appreciate any help you can give me.

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