Widescreen Gaming Forum

ARMA 3 Help Needed
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Author:  Boogaboo [ 24 Jul 2014, 03:44 ]
Post subject:  ARMA 3 Help Needed

Hi all,

New to triple monitor gaming (really like it though!).
Having issues with some game "stretching" and "zooming" on the left an right monitors.
From what I read this is common and relates to aspect ratios, FOV and resolutions.

I am trying to get ARMA 3 to not be so "zoomed" and have tried a lot of different settings.

I am running 3 BenQ XL2420Z Monitors and SLI GTX780Ti Classified cards.

I have even tried a tool that someone made to set FOV in ARMA but cant seem to get it right.
Maybe I need education as well.

Any help is greatly appreciated....


Author:  Haldi [ 24 Jul 2014, 16:23 ]
Post subject:  Re: ARMA 3 Help Needed


I think Frag85 was our specialist for Arma3, there is a high chance to meet him if you join the #wsgf IRC channel :)

If I wouldn't be on my phone I would put a link here, but I think you will find a link to the IRC on the top menue band of the page.

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