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PostPosted: 25 Dec 2012, 21:35 

Joined: 24 Apr 2012, 19:52
Posts: 2
Hey everyone,
I have been a sort of lurker here on this forum and site. I have to say you guys do some nice work fixing up the crap that devs and game designers should have in the release of their game. Anyhow, there is this game that I play, Uberstrike is a free to play first person shooter bla bla bla. It is built on the Unity engine, has a webplayer but also a Mac and Windows standalone. The game is fast paced, (its based off of Quake), however the FOV is PAINFULLY low, around 60 I believe. (Edit, its at 65) (That's only 1 of many problems with the game >.<)

I am also a QA tester (par of a small online team) in the game and have direct access to the game developers, which makes it even sadder that I have to come here for a fix. Basically increasing the FOV or adding a FOV slider into the game is not on the agenda as of yet, even after months of bugging the devs and it doesn't look like it will be on the release schedule for a while. But internal problems aside I am wondering if any of the people here would be willing to look into a fix for the FOV problem (at least on Windows) so that players can control the games FOV by themselves.

Here are some links to the game. If you need any further information I will be watching this thread ready to reply. I can also get in touch with the creators of the game to get further needed information.
Uberstrike Website
Download for Windows
Unity Website

P.S. Don't expect a QA tester to praise a game he has played extensively. :lol:

Last edited by Vanwa Raumo on 02 Jan 2013, 09:13, edited 1 time in total.


PostPosted: 02 Jan 2013, 08:14 

Joined: 24 Apr 2012, 19:52
Posts: 2
Okay here's a little update. I asked someone I know, who knows a fair bit about coding, to help me with the FOV edit. I downloaded .net reflector and JustDecompile and installed the reflexil plugin on both applications, as per his instructions. He then told me where the value for the FOV was. (C:\Program Files (x86)\UberStrike HD\UberStrike_Data\Managed --> Assembly-CSharp.dll ---> ApplicationOptions.) Using the reflexil plugin I then edited the values of CameraFovMax (65) and CameraFovMin (5), to the FOV I wanted (110). I then launched the game and the FOV was still stuck at 65, however the sensitivity had lowered, just as it does when you increase the FOV in any game.

If anyone could provide further help here it would be greatly appreciated. Is there some other value I should be searching for and changing? Or, is there some entirely different fix for this rather horrible problem. Thanks!

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2013, 17:19 
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Joined: 19 Dec 2011, 16:03
Posts: 521
Fov fix (120°) — (link removed)
But weapon models also have an increased fov, I do not know how to fix it.

Last edited by jackfuste on 20 Jul 2015, 12:04, edited 1 time in total.

PostPosted: 05 May 2013, 01:58 

Joined: 05 May 2013, 01:55
Posts: 1
can you make the uberstrike.z client with a lower fps for me :) i would like it to be around the fov of 50 mark, i would appreciate it alot, plus please tell me the programme you used to edit it, thanks!

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