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Author:  csaris [ 13 Dec 2012, 17:49 ]
Post subject:  NBA 2K13 FIX

As the same as NBA 2K12 I hex-edited the .exe file and voile the game works at 95% with correct zooming.

The 100% perfect solution would be if 2K Sports released an official patch.


The .exe file provided is the original from the STEAM version of the game and not a cracked one.

The only thing that has been edited are the hex values regarding the Nosebleed camera.


1. Download the below file (5MB).


2. Go to steam\steamapps\common\NBA2K13 and replace the original .exe with the hex-edited one in the .rar archive.

3. Start the game and select ONLY the Nosebleed camera with preferred height & zoom.

4. Njoy!

Author:  kingofkiller [ 20 Dec 2012, 12:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: NBA 2K13 FIX

any for the non-steam version
and any picture for this?

Author:  csaris [ 24 Dec 2012, 13:58 ]
Post subject:  Re: NBA 2K13 FIX

kingofkiller wrote:
any for the non-steam version
and any picture for this?

Here is a pic:


You can try yourself and see if the same .exe works for the non-steam version but don't forget to backup the original .exe file first!

Author:  kingofkiller [ 25 Dec 2012, 05:49 ]
Post subject:  Re: NBA 2K13 FIX

hi, I try the steam version already still didn't get the same good looks as you do
can you tell me what kind of resolution, height and zoom you use?

Author:  alamakluke [ 07 Mar 2013, 20:44 ]
Post subject:  Re: NBA 2K13 FIX

I tried your new exe file and followed the instructions, but I still cannot see the basket when I try to shoot. :(

What resolution are you using? I am using 3 23" LCD screens so my resolution is 5760x1080

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