Widescreen Gaming Forum

Trenched/Iron Brigade?
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Author:  xxBLIZZxx [ 15 Aug 2012, 03:49 ]
Post subject:  Trenched/Iron Brigade?

Anyone have a fix for this game yet. Im running Nvidia Surround 5760x1080


*Additional Note:
This appears to have the same vertical scaling issue Orcs Must Die 2 has.

Author:  johnnyvd [ 18 Aug 2012, 21:49 ]
Post subject:  Same here, is it possible to

Same here, is it possible to make a fix? Looks really bad..

Edit: Running Eyefinity 5040x1200

Author:  scavvenjahh [ 27 Aug 2012, 18:25 ]
Post subject:  Actually, the FOV is

Actually, the FOV is perfectly Hor+ but the menus, FMVs and HUD are all cut-off in multi-mon. :(



Author:  johnnyvd [ 22 Oct 2012, 09:49 ]
Post subject:  scavvenjahh wrote:Actually,

Actually, the FOV is perfectly Hor+ but the menus, FMVs and HUD are all cut-off in multi-mon. :(

And that makes the game practically unplayable in multi-monitor.

Menu's cannot be selected and the mech just can't be upgraded. After the first mission i'm stuck because i can't "OK" to start a new mission!!

Forum admin: Could this thread please be put back under "request game solutions"?

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