Widescreen Gaming Forum

FIFA 12 Eyefinity Menus
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Author:  navkenny [ 08 Nov 2011, 18:32 ]
Post subject:  FIFA 12 Eyefinity Menus

Hi - first time poster/long time lurker. I bought the XFX 5870 way back in Dec '09, and I recently upgraded to the XFX 6990, so I've been running an Eyefinity system for awhile. Love the community here.
Has anyone come up with a solution for the menus in the full version of FIFA 12? The menus were stretched in the demo, but it was still very playable. Now I have to play single screen and write down the menu path (left once, A, up twice A, A, etc...), and then restart in Eyefinity and follow what I've written. It works but it's not ideal.

Author:  Flyingpenguin [ 15 Nov 2011, 16:57 ]
Post subject:  Unfortunately there's no fix,

Unfortunately there's no fix, so we're stuck with it.

Author:  ibro [ 12 Jan 2012, 11:41 ]
Post subject:  hi!

is there a fifa 12's mod which allow move main menu to adjust on eyefinity resolutions??

Author:  bonoscot [ 24 Jan 2012, 20:56 ]
Post subject:  Absolute joke to be

Absolute joke to be honest.....I tried the game demo and eyefinity menus were fine.......i just bought the game and found out the menus are unreadable.
I honestly cant stand EA now,they get away with murder and since its a console game they aint interested in fixing this.
waste of money.

....Any possibility it can be fixed?moded

Author:  bitplane [ 11 May 2012, 22:41 ]
Post subject:  same here, i've tried

same here, i've tried *everything* to hack this, but i just can't find any menu aspect ratio variables through hex editor/memory patchers. maybe someone more leet than me would like to give this a try? pretty please?

this is pretty frustrating.. getting our hopes up with the demo, then ruining it..

Author:  Danko [ 22 Jun 2012, 01:41 ]
Post subject:  Maybe Helifax or Hayden could

Maybe Helifax or Hayden could take a look at this....I would love to see a fix for this.
I'm guessing the rating given to the game was based on the demo when the menu's could still be used whereas now they make the game unplayable in widescreen.
Here's hoping one of the resident genius' could give it a go. I would think it would be worth their time considering the amount of grief I've encountered on the internet while searching for a solution.
Thanks again to all the contributors on WSGF and thank you for WideScreenFixer & FlawlessWideScreen.

Author:  HaYDeN [ 22 Jun 2012, 02:01 ]
Post subject:  I'd be more than happy to

I'd be more than happy to take a look if I had the game.

Author:  Danko [ 22 Jun 2012, 03:33 ]
Post subject:  How do we get you the game?

How do we get you the game?

Author:  Danko [ 25 Jun 2012, 21:29 ]
Post subject:  The fix is in! Hadyen has put

The fix is in! Hadyen has put up a fix for Fifa 12 in his Flawless Widescreen. Game looks stunning in Eyefinity/Surround. Come get yer football on YO!!

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