Hi all, I have been closely reading all the CNC Generals and CNC Generals: ZH forum posts here, and from what I can tell there are a lot of broken links :( I am a x64 Linux user who just got CNC Generals: ZH loaded and running perfect through WINE.
I have successfully modified the FOV by editing MaxCameraHeight in the GameData.ini file in /Data/INI because editing INIZH.big would crash the game every time I launched generals.exe. All so far is good but the resolution. I have launched the game, set all of my video settings and changed the resolution to a res that is not 800x600 and saved it. I then edited Options.ini set: Resolution = 1920 1080 saved the file, and set it to read only. Now when I launch ZH I really cannot tell if the resolution is changed. The models and such look more crisp, but all the lettering in the boxes/menus look pressed together. Also in my options it says that my resolution is set to 800x600 (not sure if that even matters).
I posted a picture of my menus and also an in game shot, can anyone confirm if this is actually 1920x1080? It just doesent look like it to me. If it is not in fact 1920x1080 (although the screenshots are 1920x1080) does anyone have any suggestions? Perhaps hex-editing generals.exe?