For other resolutions, you will have to work out the math youself. 768 pixels divided by 10 and multiplied by 16 equals 1228.8. (I have a 16:10 aspect ratio). Also, if you have tried the "Digital Flat panal Scaling" tab and get garbled screen for everything, I would recommend changing to a 1024 x 768 resolution, then trying to alter these settings. I still find that these don't work properly, so maybe nvidia will correct this.
This fix is by no means perfect. Sometimes it resets it self, and you will notice that instead of black bars, the screen will stretch and you will see triple on the left side. To fix this, just mess around resolution, or reset the setting in the game. ( go to 800 x 600, then back to 1024 to 768). In AOE the main screen is in 800 x 600, so it will be stretched, but once you load up a game it works fine. Its better than nothing though. GL." alt="" />