Widescreen Gaming Forum

NEW WIDESCREEN FIXER for Modern Warfare 2 from DOPEFISH!!!
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Author:  edmistonb [ 18 Nov 2009, 11:05 ]
Post subject:  NEW WIDESCREEN FIXER for Modern Warfare 2 from DOPEFISH!!!

Download the Widescreen Fixer v1.63.0 for double and tripple screen support for Modern Warfare 2 - Dopefish was Johnny on the spot with this fix! Thanks again Dopefish, I like all the added features over the previous version - its because of people like you that make pc gaming still the best
Best Regards


*maybe I am*

Author:  g00seberry [ 18 Nov 2009, 14:12 ]
Post subject:  NEW WIDESCREEN FIXER for Modern Warfare 2 from DOPEFISH!!!

Hi, Can you direct any widescreen-fixer related talk to this thread , just to keep things tidy.

dopefish updates it whenever he releases a new version anyway, so everyone just keep your eyes planted there :onethumb

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