Widescreen Gaming Forum

Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...
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Author:  Brodel [ 21 Jun 2009, 15:45 ]
Post subject:  Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...


I've used WSF before without a problem. I've recently installed BF2 on Windows 7 and it runs fine. I'm running Widescren Fixer v1.32 as it's the one recommended for BF2. I've edited the shortcut to the appropriate resolution and when I launch WSF it recognises that the game is running. When I press the hot key though nothing happens. I have tried editing the key in the config to see if it was a problem with the key but it made no difference, it still wont enable. I also tried a couple of other versions of WSF but still not luck.

Does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Author:  Brodel [ 21 Jun 2009, 16:22 ]
Post subject:  Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...

okay, I've realised that if I am in game and alt tab back to desktop, I can enable the fix from there, but when I go back into the game there is no difference in the resolution. In game, I can't enable or disable it without going to the desktop.

Author:  Brodel [ 22 Jun 2009, 20:03 ]
Post subject:  Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...

I've tried reinstalling everything and still no luck. Field of View Value also stay at 0.0000

Author:  dopefish [ 23 Jun 2009, 10:42 ]
Post subject:  Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...

Are you using the retail game or the EA downloader version.

It was brought to my attention that the downloader uses a different .exe that isn't compatible.

Author:  Brodel [ 24 Jun 2009, 16:34 ]
Post subject:  Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...

Thanks for the reply. It's the retail version. I've used the Widescreen Fixer before when I had XP, but I'm trying to get it to work under Windows 7. It just seems strange that I can enable it outside of the game, but not inside the game... and that when I do enable it outside of the game it doesn't actually make a difference in game.

Author:  Brodel [ 03 Jul 2009, 14:23 ]
Post subject:  Can't get Widescreen Fixer to work in BF2...

Does anyone have any other ideas? :)

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