Widescreen Gaming Forum

KOTOR 1, off center mouse? 1680 X 1050
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Author:  allen542 [ 31 Mar 2009, 06:29 ]
Post subject:  KOTOR 1, off center mouse? 1680 X 1050

Hey, I got the resolution working at 1680 X 1050 and copied the HUD files for that resolution into my Override folder.

When I start the game up, everything looks nice, but my mouse is really off center, as in, I can't click on anything unless I move up and left a little.

My mouse also doesn't reach the sides of the screen, and stops an inch from each side, as if there was an invisible box.

Does anybody know how to fix this? Thanks.

Author:  Tanuki [ 03 Apr 2009, 04:53 ]
Post subject:  KOTOR 1, off center mouse? 1680 X 1050

I would back up one step and see if the problem is there without the HUD files.

Author:  allen542 [ 05 Apr 2009, 00:27 ]
Post subject:  KOTOR 1, off center mouse? 1680 X 1050

Yes, the problem is still there, even without the updated HUD files. My mouse pointer is still off center. The highest resolution I can play at without having an off center mouse is 1280 by 960.

Author:  Tanuki [ 05 Apr 2009, 01:06 ]
Post subject:  KOTOR 1, off center mouse? 1680 X 1050

Try toggling the hardware mouse option.

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