Widescreen Gaming Forum

Counter Strike 1.6 and fixed aspect ratio
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Author:  jsarver [ 17 Feb 2009, 10:49 ]
Post subject:  Counter Strike 1.6 and fixed aspect ratio

Hello, I have read many solutions to gaming at lower resolutions that do not match the native aspect ratio of widescreen monitors but have yet to succesfully apply these solutions to Counter Strike 1.6. First I will list my equipment to help understand the situation.

NVIDIA Geforce 7950 GT
ACER 22" Widescreen 5ms Model Number: V223W
Native Resolution: 1680 x 1050

I am trying to play Counte Strike at the resoultion of 800x600 with no stretching but am unable to achieve the vertical black bars on both sides of the monitor using Nvidia's fixed aspect ratio option. I am not sure if this is due to how old the game is, but I assumed that the card and the driver would be handling the resolutions display to my monitor and not be hindered by the programming of the game.

Switching the game to widescreen setting and changing the resolution to one lower than the native resolution does achieve horizontal black bars across the top and bottom of the monitor. I am confused as to why this is so, yet I am unable to have a simillar affect at non widescreen resolutions.

When fixed aspect ratio is enabled and my counter strike resolution is set to 800x600 the game is unchanged. No bars, and the images are stretched to fill my entire monitor.

I have searched this forum for any topics related to this, and none share my problem. Any answers you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Author:  Skeeve [ 21 Feb 2009, 11:24 ]
Post subject:  Counter Strike 1.6 and fixed aspect ratio

Hmm.. I wonder why.

I'm using 800x600 resolution in-game with a 1440x900 res monitor yet the game is in full screen. I don't see any black bars with mine.

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