Widescreen Gaming Forum

Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?
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Author:  Destroy [ 10 Nov 2007, 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

Can't believe there isn't a topic started on this in here yet?

Far as I know start game with
"D:Program FilesGears of WarBinariesStartup.exe" -enableconsole

Then pull down console with ` and type "fov 110" or what ever value you want.

FSAA does work in DX9 winXP with nHancer program using the Oblivion 00045 setting under the Compatibility tab.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 10 Nov 2007, 19:08 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

Well ... there are several threads about Gears but not in this section ... :P

Post about the FOV ...

Thanks for the info on the AA ... I'm sure some will find it useful ... 8)

Other links ...

Getting TH to work ...

Oh and some TH screens here ... http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12529

Author:  Abram [ 11 Nov 2007, 01:08 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

Hey AA info! Nice!

For those wantign to skip those stinkin' intro movies, add -nomoviestartup to the commadn line in your shortcut.

Author:  zubyo [ 12 Nov 2007, 14:31 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

Hey AA info! Nice!

For those wantign to skip those stinkin' intro movies, add -nomoviestartup to the commadn line in your shortcut.


Damn to hell those annoying UNSKIPPABLE intro movies :evil:

Author:  JosephJEHancock [ 12 Nov 2007, 14:40 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

Hehehe, yeah that is useful. I outright deleted the intro movies for the Crysis Beta and Demo. I like the Crytek 'Maximum Game' one, but the others are irritating as hell.

Author:  zubyo [ 12 Nov 2007, 16:50 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

I tried the command; works great for the intro, but unfortunatly it also removes the game's videos, and the loading screens with the hints.

I finished the game, and I was wondering why it ended so abruptly; then I removed the command and redid the last boss, and then I saw the ending video...

Author:  dopefish [ 12 Nov 2007, 17:01 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?


Author:  zubyo [ 13 Nov 2007, 06:14 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

I just renamed the startup videos. That way they don't play, but you can still see the ones that you want.

Worked great, thnx

Author:  Tanuki [ 23 Feb 2008, 02:50 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

After the 1.1 patch it looks like the console is on by default.

I was trying to bind the fov command to a key but have had no luck. What input files I find seem to be generated when the game is run. Does anyone know where the profile bindings are stored?

Perhaps it is in the same location as other U3 engine games?

FYI, default fov is 80.

Author:  Tanuki [ 24 Feb 2008, 01:59 ]
Post subject:  Gears of War FOV and FSAA fix?

Meh. Nevermind. Changing the fov breaks parts of the game.

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