Widescreen Gaming Forum

FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.
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Author:  shiznit [ 19 Sep 2007, 01:19 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.

The FOV in TF2 seems too narrow to me, yes it does scale with the aspect ratio but it is definitely narrower than other source games like CS:S.

in CS:S "default_fov" says 90, in TF2 its say 75. This xbox 360 Bioshock bullshit all overgain, ill post screenshots when i get a change, im on laptop now.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 19 Sep 2007, 01:29 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.

Does the game let you increase the FOV manually?

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 19 Sep 2007, 01:32 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.


Author:  dopefish [ 19 Sep 2007, 01:57 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.


Author:  Dem Pyros [ 19 Sep 2007, 02:49 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.

If thats the way they designed the game, then leave it be.
That's what 2k said about Bioshock :(

Author:  shiznit [ 19 Sep 2007, 03:47 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.

yes it is +hor I never said it wasn't. but that doesn mean it's wide enough, it defaults to 75 in 4:3 and appears to use only 90 in widescreen. other source games default to 90 in 4:3 and 100+ in widescree. take a 16:10 screenshot of CS:S and compare it to your TF2 shot, you can see much more to the sides in CS:S.

Author:  dopefish [ 19 Sep 2007, 04:18 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.


Author:  Bahn Yuki [ 19 Sep 2007, 04:56 ]
Post subject:  FOV too narrow

I tell you what I noticed. things on the "sides" are stretched. I was looking at an engineer's face while center position and it looked fine. But as I turned to the left and his face was now at my right, the face got dramatically stretched out.

Author:  Tanuki [ 19 Sep 2007, 05:05 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.

Uh-oh. :shock:

Here we go again.

Author:  Ascii_Aficionado [ 19 Sep 2007, 05:30 ]
Post subject:  FOV in Team Fortress 2 too narrow.

I tell you what I noticed. things on the "sides" are stretched. I was looking at an engineer's face while center position and it looked fine. But as I turned to the left and his face was now at my right, the face got dramatically stretched out.

You do in fact realize that's the monitor itself not the game doing that right ?

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