Widescreen Gaming Forum

Solution: Gothic, without manual editing
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Author:  skipclarke [ 21 Aug 2007, 02:30 ]
Post subject:  Solution: Gothic, without manual editing

I figured out the same solution which is already mentioned, but I hacked the manual editing away :)

You have to download sed (the binaries and the dependencies).

You only need the following files:
sed.exe from the binaries Zip file (remains in bin/) and the two DLL files from the bin/ directory in the dependencies Zip file.

Put the files in the Gothic directory (alternatively you could put them anywhere if the path is mentioned in your %PATH% variable or add paths to the following commands).

Now create a plain text file named start.bat (or start.cmd on XP and probably other NT or NT based systems) in your Gothic directory and copy the following text into it:
start /w sed -i -r -e s/^(zVidResFullscreenX=)[0-9]+$/11680/ -e s/^(zVidResFullscreenY=)[0-9]+$/11050/ -e s/^(zVidResFullscreenBPP=)[0-9]+$/132/ Gothic.ini
   start Gothic.exe

Save it and change your shortcut to point to the start.bat instead of Gothic.exe.

The code above changes the resolution everytime you start Gothic. Change 1680 and 1050 (and 32) according to your needs, but do not remove the 1s after the backslashes.

Author:  Flo [ 07 Oct 2007, 16:56 ]
Post subject:  Solution: Gothic, without manual editing

This is overkill. All you need to do to force a resolution is to change your shortcut.

E.g. D:GamesGothicSystemGothic.exe -zRes:1680,1050,32

This will force the desired resolution and color depth regardless of what's set in the ini.

Same workaround also works for Gothic 2.

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