Widescreen Gaming Forum

worms world party
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Author:  sacredgeometry [ 31 May 2007, 11:38 ]
Post subject:  worms world party

hi im pretty sure it was on here before some stuff was lost, please dont tell me what the rest of the net is saying and that its impossible because it isnt i was running it before i had to wipe hdd . Thank you for taking the time.

Peace & Hugs


Author:  glocK_94 [ 03 Jun 2007, 17:22 ]
Post subject:  worms world party

Have you tried downloading the "Worms world party "Service Pack?
I know from WSGF that "Armageddon" works in widescreen since a recent patch. Might be the same for "world party".
If you don't, I'll try (if I can find back the CD...).

Author:  MirageFL [ 27 Feb 2008, 00:26 ]
Post subject:  worms world party

Can't go up to 1024 x 768 whereas I'd like to be in 1440x900 :? Also with SP installed.

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