Widescreen Gaming Forum

Virtua Tennis 3
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Author:  ollie26 [ 21 Mar 2007, 16:52 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

Does anybody own this game and know if it has widescreen resolutions, Really intrested in getting this game but won't without me knowing it support widescreen or can be edited to run at my native resolution. Many thanks people

Author:  DeathEvil [ 23 Mar 2007, 01:59 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

it does have widescreen resolutions natively

Author:  ollie26 [ 23 Mar 2007, 12:01 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

It sure does :D Good game also

Author:  cell4master [ 25 Mar 2007, 00:40 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

Is this game out for PC yet?? If so were do i buy it at?

Author:  Iceman346 [ 27 Mar 2007, 15:09 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

Is this game out for PC yet?? If so were do i buy it at?

It is out (atleast here in germany it is ;)) and the widescreen support is native and looks good. But the game crashes extremely often on my pc. So far it failed to run stable for more than ~20 minutes...

I recommend buying the 360 or PS3 Versions if you have one of the consoles.

Author:  mengzor [ 27 Mar 2007, 23:24 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

Really iceman?
ive never had it crash on me. ever.
and ive clocked up a good 3 hours or so at least.

Author:  hwoarang5 [ 21 Apr 2007, 12:47 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

actually the games is superbly stable on windowsxp, but not the case for windows vista, i tested on both, on vista sometimes during loading it will crash to desktop, must be my drivers not stable or updated but i still preffered to game on XP.

but control wise its not as sensative as 360 version, which i own too..

Author:  Reinert [ 27 Apr 2007, 16:09 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

It has never crahed on me under Vista. Runs at a perfect 60 fps. Playing it with a Xbox 360 controller, works like a charm with the 1.1 patch, that allows you to control the menus with it too.

One thing I did notice, is that 16:10 resolutions appear to be a little stretched vertically. 16:9 (ie 1280x720), looks fine. I'll take some screenshots and compare.

Author:  Reinert [ 27 Apr 2007, 21:03 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

Here they are



As you can see, there is a light stretching in the 16:10 resolution. I imagine it's because of it's roots on X360/PS3. You can see it more clearly in the Word Tour menu, every circular shape is deformed.

Author:  mengzor [ 27 Apr 2007, 23:50 ]
Post subject:  Virtua Tennis 3

Yeah , most of these 360/ps3 'port' (and i use that lightly) games are gonna be a tad weird when they come to PC.

the stretch certainly isnt noticable though. imo anyway.

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