First, delete all lines in the config file referring to FOV and save it. This will reset the game to the default FOV.
Find a part of the game where you have unlimited time and won't get interrupted, and quicksave.
Now, bring down a console and type "seta cg_fov 10." The screen should zoom in a lot. If it doesn't, stop following my instructions, and let me know what happened.
Quickload. The screen should return to its original zoom level. If it doesn't, stop following my instructions, and let me know what happened.
Bring down a console and type "seta cg_fov xx" where xx is what you think the default FOV is. If nothing happens, you guessed right. If the screen zooms out, you guessed too high. If the screen zooms in, you guessed too low. After each wrong guess, quickload and guess again. Continue until you guess correctly.
You now have the default FOV. Plug this into the FOV calc to find out what the right FOV for widescreen is.