Widescreen Gaming Forum

RainbowSix Vegas 1248 x 698 Request for .bin
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Author:  Mack [ 12 Jan 2007, 07:23 ]
Post subject:  RainbowSix Vegas 1248 x 698 Request for .bin

Hello all.

Ive been a widescreen user since 2003 when I purchased what was then new technology in a 61" DLP. Back when these things first came out there was abolutely ZERO support for my Samsung DLP so I had to write custom drivers, etc with the use of powerstrip after searching the net for hours on end with no real help aside from a rare user to user support from time to time.

Anyways, I am very glad this forum has popped up.. what a much needed place!

My Samsung native resolution is 1248 x 698 so I wanted to request to those that have meddled with the .bin in a hex editor for RB6 if you could write a custom resolution.... the sqizzy fix doesnt have it on there and I have yet to see it anywhere else.

Thank for the time. If these sorts of requests are frowned upon please go easy on the flaming.. Im a noob here.


Author:  skipclarke [ 12 Jan 2007, 07:29 ]
Post subject:  RainbowSix Vegas 1248 x 698 Request for .bin

Rather than add it to the .bin (which was stolen by Guru 3D), I would request that we add it to the new patcher.

Author:  squ1zzy [ 12 Jan 2007, 10:23 ]
Post subject:  RainbowSix Vegas 1248 x 698 Request for .bin

Done.. Made a version just for you mack since the resolution isn't common at all.. So here it is:

R6 Vegas Mack

Tell me when you got the file Mack so i can delete it..

Author:  Mack [ 13 Jan 2007, 19:54 ]
Post subject:  Got it!

Thanks for the special help Squ1zzy.

I havent tried to apply one of these patches yet, does the resolution appear in the options menu or do you just patch the bin and go?

Thanks again very much.


Author:  squ1zzy [ 13 Jan 2007, 20:01 ]
Post subject:  Re: Got it!

Thanks for the special help Squ1zzy.

I havent tried to apply one of these patches yet, does the resolution appear in the options menu or do you just patch the bin and go?

Thanks again very much.


Check the ReadMe :D

Author:  Mack [ 13 Jan 2007, 22:51 ]
Post subject:  OK OK

You mean read the instructions? That would be too easy. :roll:

Author:  squ1zzy [ 13 Jan 2007, 23:11 ]
Post subject:  Re: OK OK

You mean read the instructions? That would be too easy. :roll:

I don't understand sorry..

Your question was if you needed to patch the file and go or if it will apear in the game itself.. As you can read in the ReadMe file included with the patch it says the game will start in the selected resolution you chose in the patcher itself.. So why would that be too easy ?

Author:  mean2u [ 14 Jan 2007, 17:19 ]
Post subject:  RainbowSix Vegas 1248 x 698 Request for .bin

I think he's joking.. or being dumb. I don't know actually. :?

Author:  Mack [ 16 Jan 2007, 09:03 ]
Post subject:  Yes ;)

I was joking/satire.

Thank you very much for the help.. the new resolution has informed me that I need to upgrade my computer if I was decent FPS!

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