Widescreen Gaming Forum

Runaway 2 - Widescreen solution?
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Author:  sedret [ 18 Dec 2006, 20:35 ]
Post subject:  Runaway 2 - Widescreen solution?

Hi to all,
firstly you're doing an awesome job here..
I recently purchased Runaway 2, a great adventure game, but there is no resolution settings and the game plays at 1024x768.. My screen is at 1440x900.. Does anybody know a tweak for this?
Thanx in advance,

Author:  puppeteer666 [ 19 Dec 2006, 03:07 ]
Post subject:  Runaway 2 - Widescreen solution?

I too am looking for a widescreen fix for this game:)
I don't have it yet but in anticpation looking on the forums there were people there asking how to change the resolution I instantly came here for the answer.

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