Joined: 11 Jan 2008, 02:52 Posts: 3
Some days ago I bought a Viewsonic VX1932wm LCD Widescreen
and i'm trying to figure out how to be able to use 1024x768 Resolution
without it stretching across the screen.
I don't care if I get black borders on both sides, do you have any
suggestions on how I get 1024x768 to be squared and not stretched?
My native resolution is 1440x900 and i'm able to run 1440x900 with
75Hz Refresh rate and this monitor is 2MS.
I tryed different settings on change flat panel scaling in Nvidia Control
panel but did'nt help.
My system specs are:
Ga-8i875 Motherboard
Winfast A7600GT TDH 256 MB AGP 8x
I won't say anymore system specs I got because the other parts i'm
using don't have anything to do with my widescreen stretching screensize problem.