Hi Dead Guy
I have the Dell 2407fpw(AO2) , I've had it for 2 1/2 months or thereabouts , I gotta say I can't really fault it , I play lots of different games from fps to rts to racing games and they ALL look fabulous , DVD playback is top notch , I have had none of the banding issues people have mentioned before.
I came from one of the best CRT monitors on the market , an IIyama 22" Visionmaster pro 513 and it is worlds ahead of that in image quality , the clarity of text is also excellent.
Hmm just sat here for a couple of minutes trying to think of something negative to say about it and the only thing I can think of is you will need a powerful PC to make FULL use of it , when I got mine I was running an A64 3200+ @ 2.6ghz and a very much oclocked 7800GT and to be quite honest it wasnt powerful enough for the most modern games at 1900x1200 with ALL the eye candy on (AA was an absolute NoNo for most new games)
I recently upgraded to an X2 4800+ @2.85ghz and an 8800GTX and now I can play everything as it should be at native res.(with AA(alot of AA
:D )
Hope that helps ya somewhat :wink: