Widescreen Gaming Forum

how to enable 1280x720?
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Author:  oqvist [ 20 Nov 2006, 16:45 ]
Post subject:  how to enable 1280x720?

This is hopeless. My nVidia 7800 GT can´t output 1280x720 neither through HDMI or VGA... I am just getting black screens.

I have tried different timings but none seem to work...

The weird thing is that in some games 1280x720 works. I want to remember it worked in San Andreas... But in 9/10 games unless I can run it in 1360x768 I have to run it in 4:3 and 1024x768...

Author:  Jenkinsbball [ 27 Nov 2006, 16:46 ]
Post subject:  how to enable 1280x720?

I think some games have to run in the resolution you're running windows in.

My example:

I have a 1080i capable tv. I can run HL2 in 1920x1080 w/ no problems, but with F.E.A.R., I have to run it in 1157x6xx (I can't remember exactly off hand what my res it at. It had to be at the exact resolution I've got windows running in, for it to work.

BTW, I'm running on a Samsung 47" HDTV.

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