Widescreen Gaming Forum

just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help
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Author:  damien123666 [ 17 Nov 2006, 14:17 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

hi people were is the file to set the res up @ 1680/1050

please help me

Author:  emanuel.en [ 17 Nov 2006, 17:14 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

I:GamingSplinter Cell Double AgentSCDA-OfflineSystemSplinterCell4.ini


C:Program FilesTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double AgentSCDA-OfflineSystemSplinterCell4.ini

Author:  Abram [ 18 Nov 2006, 02:05 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

In SplinterCell4.ini (in both online and offine folders)


and be sure to raise the FOV a bit. I found 100 was jsut fien for SC:DA, though it's up to you.

Also in SplinterCell4User.ini:


And if you make changes in the in-game graphics optiosn menu such as enabling/disabling FSAA, Shadow quality, and a coudple other, the game will revert to whatever res you had before, so you'll have to bust open the .ini and make the changes again.

Author:  therealleimi [ 18 Nov 2006, 13:05 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

what do you mean with FOV? Why do I have to change it along with the resolution?

Author:  emanuel.en [ 18 Nov 2006, 15:01 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

what do you mean with FOV? Why do I have to change it along with the resolution?

If you just change the resolution the game will just be vert-, that means that the picture is zoomed in and it cuts off a bit from the top and bottom. If you change the fov you can increase your field of view and correct this failure.

I hope I explained it correct. :P

Author:  therealleimi [ 18 Nov 2006, 18:21 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

hm I've played now a certain amount of time with just altered the resolution-ettings and I've not noticed that a part form the image was cut-off. maybe I should check that

Author:  redmanc [ 20 Nov 2006, 00:09 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

In SplinterCell4.ini (in both online and offine folders)


and be sure to raise the FOV a bit. I found 100 was jsut fien for SC:DA, though it's up to you.

Also in SplinterCell4User.ini:


And if you make changes in the in-game graphics optiosn menu such as enabling/disabling FSAA, Shadow quality, and a coudple other, the game will revert to whatever res you had before, so you'll have to bust open the .ini and make the changes again.

I can't find the Engine Player Controller and FOV settings in the ini ?

Any help where it is please.

Author:  Abram [ 20 Nov 2006, 15:35 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

Look harder.

Author:  oqvist [ 20 Nov 2006, 16:43 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help

for 1366x768 what is the correct aspect ratio?

Author:  Abram [ 24 Nov 2006, 12:43 ]
Post subject:  just got Splinter Cell Double Agent and need ur guys help


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