Widescreen Gaming Forum

Testing Widescreen Capability on Game that isn't Retail Yet.
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Author:  Calcedon [ 16 Nov 2006, 03:52 ]
Post subject:  Testing Widescreen Capability on Game that isn't Retail Yet.

Can somebody please inform me how to test a game to make sure that it supports TRUE widescreen gaming format? Thanks for any info.

Author:  skipclarke [ 17 Nov 2006, 15:28 ]
Post subject:  Testing Widescreen Capability on Game that isn't Retail Yet.

When you open the in-game Video or Display options you should see a list of WS resolutions & perhaps even 16:9/16:10 selection choice.

Here is a list of resolutions to compare the game resolutions to...
How-To: Choosing WS Resolutions, Aspect Ratios, Screen Sizes

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