Widescreen Gaming Forum

Games List: Raven Shield
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Author:  VENOMX3 [ 25 Sep 2006, 01:21 ]
Post subject:  Games List: Raven Shield

I was checking out if Raven Shield would work with a widescreen monitor (16:10) and it appears like it does not.

I hope these pictures are enough to verify it, if they aren't just let me know.

Picture of 1024X768 with fov=90

Picture of 1440X900 with fov=90

Picture of 1440X900 with fov>90

I edited the fov number in the user.ini and defuser.ini and could never see a difference. Also all of the scopes and such are shaped as ellipses instead of circles. I'm new here but from looking around these seem like the basic tests.

So I suppose that RvS should be put under "confirmed to not have a full fix by the .ini file" for the unreal engine. I have to imagine punk buster would say nono to actually getting the fov changed anyway, but oh well.

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 25 Sep 2006, 01:57 ]
Post subject:  Games List: Raven Shield

What happens if you open up a console and type "fov 100"?

Author:  VENOMX3 [ 25 Sep 2006, 04:43 ]
Post subject:  Games List: Raven Shield

It says unrecognized command.

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