Nvidia drivers have a check box that says "let my monitor do the scaling instead of my video card" which is good.
Yes, that's what I've been looking for. But it seems like ATI and Omega don't have this option.
Although, this program called PowerStrip may solve your problems, since a lot of ATI users seem to use it. I know it can create custom resolutions for you, but it may also solve the monitor scaling problem you have
I've been using PowerStrip before to drive my LCD projector with it's native resolution which works fine. Now that you mentioned it, I remember I once used a PowerStrip hot key to force another game into a video mode I prefered (>60 Hz for a CRT). I just tried that for a wide resolution with WoW, but all I get a quick visible video mode refresh, while it stays fixed in 1024x768... (using VGA)
Also, with the Dell 2405 you should not use 1280x768. You should use 1280x800. The Dell is a 16:10 screen so you should use 16:10 resolutions, such as 1024x640, 1280x800, 1440x900, 1680x1050, or 1920x1200.
Hmm, following your hint about the 1280x800 resolution I just ran into another problem: The 2405 can scale 1280x768 just fine (small black borders above an below). But when I switch to 1280x800, the 2405 "thinks" it is driven with 1024x768 (according to the OSD, tried with 60 and 75 Hz). The image is skewed to 4:3 and a part (the Windows taskbar) is missing...
Anyway, for my next upgrade I will definately consider your hint about Nvidia cards. Most new games will most probably require lower resolutions in order to display all visual effects. And most probably a new card will allow me to play WoW in full res with good performance, which simply looks stunning :)