Widescreen Gaming Forum

rFactor HUD in widescreen
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Author:  JKeefe [ 19 Jul 2006, 06:29 ]
Post subject:  rFactor HUD in widescreen

rFactor supports widescreen resolutions natively but the 2D HUD and other elements (flags, chat, LCD displays, reace position bar, tachometer) stretch to fill the screen. This can be especially annoying on the tach because it is no longer round.

I started a thread at RaceSimCentral the other day about fixing the HUD stretching for triplehead resolutions. ISI, the rFactor developer, has said that in the next release the HUD will remain on the center screen in a triplehead setup. The thread has now turned to discussion of widescreen resolutions. A member at RSC has asked that a similar thing be implemented for widescreen resolutions so that the HUD retains its 4:3 aspect and circles stay circular. ISI has indicated that they are going to do this unless anyone speaks up otherwise.

So, if you don't want this, head over to RaceSimCentral and tell them.

Author:  skipclarke [ 27 Aug 2006, 22:46 ]
Post subject:  rFactor HUD in widescreen

Any screenshots to show if this is Vert - or Hor +

Author:  JKeefe [ 29 Sep 2006, 15:41 ]
Post subject:  rFactor HUD in widescreen

It's Hor+, but I don't have any screenshots. I'm simply aware of that fact.

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