Widescreen Gaming Forum

Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen
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Author:  equlizer [ 17 Jul 2006, 06:15 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

I recently got the ACER AL2416W(sd) and there are games that will not run anymore

BF2 and painkiller are 2 examples i can think of right away.

Is there anyway of fixing this problem?

meaning i startup the game and it goes right back to the desktop like nothing happened.

Author:  Nabil [ 17 Jul 2006, 07:31 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

Battlefield 2 will only run in 4:3 resolutions (with the exception of 1280x1024).

You should set your BF2 resolution to 1600x1200 and tell your monitor not to stretch it. If you can't get into the game or can't see anything, try changing the settings in the actual config file (somewhere in My Documents I think) or just delete it (most games create a default one if it's deleted).

If you don't want to do that try reinstalling the game, making sure the config files are uninstalled...

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 17 Jul 2006, 07:46 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

You can tell BF2 to run in a widescreen res, it will cut off the top and bottom unfortunatly.
Paddy the Wak and RacerS are working on a hack however that will allow you to run BF2 in a true widescreen res with proper FOV.

See these threads on the BF2 hack subject:



And here is a thread on how to enable widescreen with the top and bottom cut off:


And last but not least, welcome to the forum. :mrgreen:

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 17 Jul 2006, 20:03 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

Also, some games will require various config files to be reset (aka: deleted) if you switch to widescreen.

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 17 Jul 2006, 21:03 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

Also, some games will require various config files to be reset (aka: deleted) if you switch to widescreen.

BF2 and Painkiller are 2 examples ... :wink:

For Battlefield 2 ... try this ...
I think the problem is that the game makes more than one video.con ... :wink:

Do a search for ... video.con ... delete all that you find ... the game should re-create them once you start the game.

Then once it is working try changing it to your desired res via the shortcut target ...

This ...
"C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield 2BF2.exe"
becomes ...
"C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1680 +szy 1050
or ...
"C:Program FilesEA GAMESBattlefield 2BF2.exe" +menu 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1200
... just change the res to your desire ... :D

Sorry I can't remember the files for Painkiller ...
I think it may be the config.ini in the bin folder for the game ...

Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 18 Jul 2006, 00:30 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

I don't know about BF2, but Painkiller does not work in 1920x1200, which is strange because it supports every other common widescreen resolution up to 1920x1080.

Author:  equlizer [ 18 Jul 2006, 01:02 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

well ive tried everything everyone has suggested beyond re-installing the game. does it have anything to do with it being plugged into DVI or anything? Those 2 games so far are the only ones i cannot get working. I can plug the old monitor in and install the drivers for that monitor and those games work!

Author:  equlizer [ 18 Jul 2006, 01:36 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

well i found a video.con in mydocuments on my C: drive . I deleted that and the game now works :)

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 18 Jul 2006, 07:47 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

There ya go. And now you only have to wait for Paddy and RacerS to release the hack to get proper widescreen. :D

Author:  Paddy the Wak [ 18 Jul 2006, 07:55 ]
Post subject:  Some games dont work after upgrading to 24" widescreen

well i found a video.con in mydocuments on my C: drive . I deleted that and the game now works :)

and I thought you said you tried everything everyone has suggested ... :wink: ... just joking with you ... glad you got it working again ... :D

The widescreen hack for BF2 isn't going so well Racer_S is having trouble getting it to work with Punkbuster ... :(

@ cranky ... I think I had to edit that config.ini in the bin folder for Painkiller to get it to do 1920x1200 ... but I may be wrong it was a while ago.

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