Widescreen Gaming Forum

Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen
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Author:  DOHWidescreenGaming [ 24 May 2006, 21:51 ]
Post subject:  Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

I've just installed this title and I love it. Any ideas how it might be able to run in wide? Thanks.

Author:  skipclarke [ 28 May 2006, 00:33 ]
Post subject:  Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen


Look for the .cfg file(s) & change the Res & FOV

Any links to the game ??

What game engine runs it ??

Author:  alcest [ 17 May 2007, 14:18 ]
Post subject:  Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

its an old game, doesnt even support gf4 and higher, i think it runs on railroad tycoon 2 engine (maybe slightly modified)

Author:  ctrlsteef [ 17 May 2007, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

Holy thread revival. This thread is way over a year old mate. :roll: :wink:

Author:  Bet [ 17 May 2007, 17:10 ]
Post subject:  Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

I just searched for it a few days ago when I (re)installed the game. Although it's via GameTap this time so editing anything in it is impossible, I'm playing at 1280x1024 for no other reason than it's the highest res I can get on this 1680x1050 monitor. Can't even choose 1280x960 or 1152x864 to get the maximum screen usage for fixed-aspect ratio scaling :(

Author:  alcest [ 20 May 2007, 16:31 ]
Post subject:  Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

i gave up, and installed it on my notebook with old gf 440mx at least it is in hardware mode :)

Author:  mirh [ 16 Dec 2013, 22:21 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

ok, so i have some news


i hex edited the hardcoded values in the exe and i got a *sort of* working game @1080
unfortunately the UI is still 4:3
this has to be the only solution, since i have already looked at the .cfg files and i found that resolution is stored in the form of numbers from 00 (640x480) to 03 (1600x1200)

steam version won't work since the exe is protected by their DRM (i had to find alternative exe for my work.. :( )

if somebody would like to help me, he would be appreciated

Author:  DIGITALIZEUR [ 27 Dec 2016, 20:34 ]
Post subject:  Re: Tropico 1 - A Great Title For Wide Screen

I'm also interested

Even a stretched 4:3 aspect but with 1080p

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