Widescreen Gaming Forum

Is there a way to de stretch games?...
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Author:  I-Love-Pontiac [ 28 Apr 2006, 03:09 ]
Post subject:  Is there a way to de stretch games?...

My laptop has a 1440x900 resolution, and games that have a non widescreen resolution will automaticly get fitted to the screen.

Is there a way to keep the games at their regular reslution? And just like... put a black border around the game image?

I really REALLY hate the way games look when they are streatched.

Author:  bsp [ 28 Apr 2006, 04:16 ]
Post subject:  Is there a way to de stretch games?...


Author:  blueyedsoul [ 28 Apr 2006, 05:16 ]
Post subject:  Is there a way to de stretch games?...

Check the Tutorials Tweaks and How-To's section - it's the first stickied thread in there:


Author:  ctrlsteef [ 28 Apr 2006, 07:40 ]
Post subject:  Is there a way to de stretch games?...


it's free and really easy to use. So please give it a try the next time. :wink:

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