Widescreen Gaming Forum

SiN (Steam version)
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Author:  zig [ 07 Apr 2006, 01:43 ]
Post subject:  SiN (Steam version)

If you preorder Sin Episode 1 on Steam you can download the original SiN right away. Pretty neat bonus, unfortunately the game has no custom resolution support, and no widescreen resolutions by default. I was kinda disapopinted by this so I figured I'd let others know.
However there is an encouraging post from the Director of Development at Ritual Entertainment on the Ritualistic Forums. So, bad news/good news.

Author:  g1xx3r [ 07 Apr 2006, 08:38 ]
Post subject:  SiN (Steam version)

Yea I just got it today also and came here to see if there was a hack for it..I dont even see the game in the STEAM folder anywhere..Lets get cracking on this one :D

Author:  skipclarke [ 07 Apr 2006, 23:02 ]
Post subject:  SiN (Steam version)

Here is one SIN WS screeny
Very HL2 looking :lol:

the rest are at

With the requesite babe :lol:

Author:  vhato [ 08 Apr 2006, 14:28 ]
Post subject:  SiN (Steam version)

It looks good, but it doesn't look like they are using the latest HL2:LC Engine which is a major dissappointment. Without PS2b it looks exactly like HL2. Unless it can graphically exceed HL2, I am not interested.

Author:  Kamakazie [ 14 Apr 2006, 08:21 ]
Post subject:  SiN (Steam version)

It looks good, but it doesn't look like they are using the latest HL2:LC Engine which is a major dissappointment. Without PS2b it looks exactly like HL2. Unless it can graphically exceed HL2, I am not interested.

You're only interested in graphics?

Author:  CodE-E [ 14 Apr 2006, 12:15 ]
Post subject:  SiN (Steam version)

It looks good, but it doesn't look like they are using the latest HL2:LC Engine which is a major dissappointment. Without PS2b it looks exactly like HL2. Unless it can graphically exceed HL2, I am not interested.


Well... I guess that kind of attitude is good for the hardware industry, but it encourages game developers to just re-release the same old with merely slightly better graphics.

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