What about FOV ? Does FOV automatically, and proportionally increase with aspect ratio increase ?
If FOV doesn't get altered automatically according to aspect ratio change, can it be manually altered in the option.ini ?
PowerK - there doesn't appear to be any stretching or squashing. I haven't played it extensively in 4:3 vs. 16:10, so I don't know if the camera is zoomed in, or if it just adds peripheral details.
Yes. There is stretching.
I recently built my first highend gaming rig, including a 20"widescreen monitor - Native resolution 1680x1050. So I'm very new to widescreen gaming, the terminology, etc.
I can get BFME2 to run in 1680x1050 with a command line in the shortcut just fine. My problem is this accomplishes absolutely nothing for me. What I see on my screen is exactly what I see in 1024x768: A stretched out, fat display of the game.
So theres less "jaggies" in a high res? Who cares how crisp the picture is when the picture itself is distorted horizontally! Thats like framing a piece of toilet paper in a million dollar gilded frame and saying everything is ok.
Am I way off here? Shouldn't highres gaming act the same as a highres windows desktop? When you move from 1024 to 1268, the windows GUI/icons get smaller, and you see
I'm at a loss for words...
Help? :(