ah crap, i just found this thread now after posting this in another thread:
Hi, I'm new here, but I used your site as a resource before getting a Dell 2405. So far it rocks. :) Sorry if this is posted in the wrong area.
You have listed in Master Game List that America's Army support Widescreen by modding the .INI because it's an UT2004-based game. this information isn't entirely accurate.
Unfortunately America's Army does NOT support true widescreen. Like more FPS games that would give widescreen owners an advantage with a great FOV. Modifying the FOV settings in "USER.INI" does nothing, as the game doesn't recognize such changes (i tried everything myself just to be sure :) ).
The file ARMYOPS.INI has the WindowedViewport & FullscreenViewport settings. However, AA v2.5 automatically recognized 1920x1200 and 1650x1080, so there's no real reason to 'hack' the INI.
Fortunately widescreen is very playable in AA. :D It takes a 4:3 image and clips the top and bottom... so you see about ~13% less than a normal monitor but it looks 130% more seeeeeexy. :lol:
If you can be bothered, it may be worth updating the Master Game List as this is still a current game with lots of players. Great website too!
You are correct, modifying FOV doesn't effect the game. Fortunately Punkbuster doesn't seem to care either. ;)
Edited by Paddywak ... I moved your other post in to this one ... it pays to search around ... :wink: ... but thanks for your input ... :D