Widescreen Gaming Forum

Question about Warhammer 40k 1.4 patch
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Author:  The_cranky_hermit [ 28 Dec 2005, 01:05 ]
Post subject:  Question about Warhammer 40k 1.4 patch

How exactly does the patch break widescreen support? Does it simply make it Vert- or Stretch, or does it do something to make the game unplayable, like cut off HUD elements?

Also, is the "broken widescreen" in version 1.4 native? That is, do you enable it through an ingame options menu?

Author:  Paradigm Shifter [ 28 Dec 2005, 11:32 ]
Post subject:  Question about Warhammer 40k 1.4 patch

It breaks it by making the screen 4:3 with black bars down the sides. There isn't any cut off. It was Vert- before, which to me was preferable to black bars, but not preferable to proper support. :(

You still have to edit the .ini files the same as you did before, but the game handles it differently.

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