Widescreen Gaming Forum

Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen
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Author:  boardy [ 06 Dec 2005, 14:21 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen


I'm new to this forum and have got a few games working in widescreen which is amazing, but I'm having issues getting Star Wars Galaxies running.

Is there anyone who can tell me how to get this game working in widescreen please? I've read the masterlist link and it's not really very helpfull to say the least.

Im runnning a Dell 2005fpw by the way.

Cheers for help

Author:  funch [ 06 Dec 2005, 21:16 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Sup dude,

Heres a link to a post on that.


Theres one more post somewhere in the site about SWG. So a forum search for Star Wars Galaxies. You'll find it. I'd look for you but Im lazy but maybe look at posts i have replied to because I had issues myself and the solutions worked. I was running SWG in 1920 x 1200 with no issues.

Author:  boardy [ 07 Dec 2005, 00:27 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Thanks for that link!! Worked a treat. Was scared of editing the config files again after last time I screwed something up and couldn't seem to get it to work again.

Cheers funch


Author:  funch [ 07 Dec 2005, 07:56 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Right on brother.

Glad to be of some assistance.


Author:  skipclarke [ 07 Dec 2005, 21:03 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Hey funch,

How would you rate Galaxies? I tried it a loong time ago, before WoW even came out, and was pretty much hopelessly lost from the get go. Has anything substantial changed to the interface or gameplay or class structure to make giving it a second go worthwhile? How's the situation with becoming a Jedi and all, etc? The last time I talked to someone about it, they said it was near impossible w/out spending half of your natural life-span playing. :wink:

Author:  Komoto [ 08 Dec 2005, 15:15 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Be careful when asking about SWG these days :P They just did the second major revamp this year and just about everyone is unhappy. I played when it originally came out, I think the new stuff is fun but buggy. They are giving away Jump to Lightspeed free, and that's a fun part of the game.
Was scared of editing the config files again after last time I screwed something up and couldn't seem to get it to work again.

Always make a backup of files you are hacking.

Author:  funch [ 08 Dec 2005, 22:30 ]
Post subject:  My take on SWG


Heres some things I enjoyed about SWG after a year and a half break:

Interface. I liked the interface; very customizable. I was playing it at 1920*1200 and I rearranged my toolbars around my screen with lots of extra viewing area.

The World. The Star Wars world itself.

Jump to Lightspeed It was just downright awesome. The graphics and gameplay was topnotch. I liked how you can tweak your ship and get 'tweaked stuff' from Shipwrights (a new occupation class where you can make ships and parts). I was fortunate to get this "rare" drop in space called a "Black Ace Helmet" or something like that. I was pretty proud wearing it on my Twilek with tells all the time "where the heck you get that? Wanna sell it?"

Now the shitty stuff:

Bugs. Everyday I'd run into something. Still it was WAY better than the first time I played and the bugs were minor. But a bugs a bug, no?

Trend Trend is that the game is going to the shithole. Not too many people play it now days. If you're going to try it, create a toon on very populated servers if there are any left.

Wookies. The Kashyyyk expansion just blew chunks for me. I wasn't a hardcore player but it seemed it was geared for higher end players and that wasn't fair! :)

Macros. I didn't like macros. You could set your toon to advertise that you were selling something and not be in the game. Every day it seemed I had to put someone on ignore. And whats the point of going to a cantina for buffs where everyone in there were AFK doing some dance macro or asking for tips?

XP system. I quit because of this alone. They did some revamp one day and I think alot of people quit that week too. Before the revamp, on a group kill the entire group would get equal xp. Now you get xp for damage you do so if you suck as a damage dealer- you'd get suckass xp. Any SWG players reading this correct me if I'm wrong but thats how I remember it (six months ago or so)

Combat. The combat system for ground combat. It was too complicated where it didn't need to be. And you'd need a pimp system to see the extra bells and whistles.

On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate SWG a solid 7 including all the shit I bitched about. Would I play it again? You bet but only if they did something major to change the overall game. I check the forums too from time to time and what I read it seems nothings changed. Go check the station forums for SWG you'll see what I mean.

Stretch, try it but definitely create a toon on a populated server. Take note of the changes that have happened since you've been gone. You might like it. I just didn't like the xp system after the revamp.

Hope this helps.

Author:  drakino [ 20 Nov 2008, 17:24 ]
Post subject:  Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Figured I'd bump this up, since the Chapter 11 release notes added this specifically:

Added support to recognize higher resolution graphics settings. These higher resolutions are available when using the Matrox TripleHead2GO product.

Author:  pdxgeek2 [ 14 Feb 2011, 07:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

I've been trying this out with SoftTH and Nvidia surround, both with mediocre results, but it's still do-able.

Here's the threads:

Author:  pdxgeek2 [ 16 Feb 2011, 22:32 ]
Post subject:  Re: Star Wars Galaxies Widescreen

Another, newer thread.


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